Few practices which can be implemented while using ExtJs Library :-
- Before starting any development , finalize the version of Extjs which you will use.Migrating from one version to another isn't easy.If you are working on live project , its better to start off with the commercial licensed version provided by the customer.
- Avoid including unnecessary resources(.js file) on VF page.'ext-all.js' and 'ext-all.css' are sufficient. Include plugin resources only when you are using it.
- The following piece of code helps resolve may issues related to IE browser
- if(Ext.isIE){
- Ext.enableGarbageCollector=false;
- }
- If you intend to show Extjs Grid with Pagination support for a large set of records , then ,It will be always advisable to write a custom Pagination Logic and avoid using PagingProxy/PagingMemoryProxy.Using the above proxies will result in view state issue.
- Make use of JSON.serialize() and JSON.deserialize() methods in SF, to form a Json string and to form a list using deserialize respectively.Make sure you define all the variables in the Ext.Model with their correct Type.You can validate your json string on http://jsonlint.com/
- While defining any component in Extjs , try avoiding extra comma(,) For Example:-
- {
- header: "Name",
- width:75,
- dataIndex: 'Name',
- sortable: true, // Avoid this extra comma
- }
This cause issues in IE browser.
- Include the following resource file to debug the javascript errors caused due to Extjs resource :- 'ext-all-dev.js'
- Moreover, refer to the sencha link for API documentation. It is quite helpful. http://docs.sencha.com/ext-js/4-0/#!/api
- You can post your queries on the Sencha forums as well. There are many active users here who will help you. http://www.sencha.com/forum/
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