Saturday, May 5, 2012

Tooltip not working for items in Extjs(Extented Javascript Library) ?

Did you ever face an issue that even when you define the Tooltip text for an item( image, button etc), the text simply doesn't work.

Well, the reason behind this is that you have forgotten the following line

You have to initialize the Ext.tip.QuickTipManager  before using the tooltip.


  1. Thanks for this tip! I was wondering why the tooltip wasn't working in my application. Now I know :)

  2. Do you by any chance now how to make the tooltip for an actioncolumn icon dependent on a certain condition? I have an actioncolumn with 2 icons; depending on the condition ('enabled' or 'disabled') it shows a certain icon. I also want the tooltip for the icon to change dynamically, that is if the icon is the 'enabled' icon, i want the tooltip to say 'disable' and if the icon is the 'disabled' icon, i want the tooltip to say 'enable'. Any ideas on this?

  3. Mayb you will have to change the tooltip value based on the 2 conditions you have.
    Give Id to your actionColumn.
