Here is an example of implementation of Radio buttons for selecting one row at a time in a Grid panel in Extjs.
A group of radio buttons need to rendered in the first column of the grid.
Here is the code:
The definition of column will be as follows:-
{header: "Select",hideable:false,renderer:renderRadioBox,
editor: {
The renderer function is defined as follows:-
function renderRadioBox(val, meta, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store){
var a = '<input type= "radio" name="radiogroup" style="margin-left:10px;"/>';
return a;
The action to be implemented after clicking the radio button can be written with the help of listener method on the grid panel:-
listeners: {
itemclick : function(view,rec,item,index,e,eOpt){
var position = view.getPositionByEvent(e);
var columnIndex = position.column;
if(columnIndex == 1){
Hope this will be helpful who wanted to implement this.